
If you are interested in becoming a member please fill in the membership application form and we will contact you with payment details. Please note all fields in the form are required. Once you click the "SUBMIT" button please be patient as this can take a few seconds. Details on subscription costs are below.

Membership of the Club costs $40 a year (adult or family) or $35 a year (student or pensioner).The financial year starts 1st October. Members joining after March do so at a reduced rate. Our membership currently stands in excess of 110. Each month (January excluded) members receive by email or in the mail the Club newsletter, called the Bulletin which is produced from information and contributions sent to the editor by members. On each field trip a "Scribe" is appointed to record the event and this information is written up in the Bulletin for all to read. Normally there are 12 pages of news and data.

Membership Application Form

Please read our constitution by clicking on this link Constitution Document as we require you to accept the terms of our constitution upon joining