Tutorial topic:
by Kym Dixon
We begin our tutorials this year with a 2 part series that looks at volcanoes.
At the February meeting, the cause of volcanoes will be looked at and some of the main types.
Volcanoes can also be classified by the nature of their eruptions. This will be the focus of the March tutorial.
Background to tutorials:
The aim of the tutorials is to explain some of the common concepts and terms that come up from time to time in lectures and on field excursions. This will certainly benefit those who are new to geology but also provide a refresher for the more experienced members. Kym Dixon and I will be presenters.
The format is that the tutorial will be in the Mawson Lecture Theatre and start at 6:40 and run for 10 minutes. This will allow time before 7:00 to set up for the formal start to the meeting. For those who would like to attend the tutorial, try to arrive before 6:40 and sit more towards the left-hand side of the theatre (as viewed from an audience perspective).
Peter Briggs