Welcome To Our Excursions Page! Here you will find detailed information on our upcoming excursions. If you require more information about a particular excursion please email the trip co-ordinator whose details are provided.

Half-day indoor excursion
Rocks from Space – in the Tate Museum

Sunday 28th July

Leader: Jayden Squire
Contact: Frances Williams (frances.williams@adelaide.edu.au)


Tate Museum, Mawson Building, University of Adelaide
10.00 am to 12 noon

The Tate Museum collection of meteorites and their byproducts is one of the biggest in Australia and includes samples from hundreds of impacts and meteorites. The excursion will begin with a tour of the Tate Museum, followed by a short talk giving general background information about meteorites and meteorite craters. Following this, there will be hands-on activities in the Field Geology Club room. These activities will teach you how to identify different types of meteorites from hand specimens, how to identify different shock-related features in impacts using thin sections and will illustrate hand specimen samples of impact induced materials. 

FGC member Jayden Squire is an Honours candidate in the Department of Earth Sciences, specialising in meteorites and their effects, and is also a volunteer in the Tate Museum.

If you would like to attend please sign the sheet at the July meeting, or contact  Frances Williams (frances.williams@adelaide.edu.au).

Leaders:  Kym Dixon & Peter Briggs.
This excursion is in two parts.
During the morning, we will walk down the Willunga Fault escarpment, following the Old Sellicks Hill Road. Exposures along this road contain a geological sequence from upper Neoproterozoic formations (Pre-Cambrian) into the Cambrian rocks of the Palaeozoic which have been overturned due to thrust faulting in the Delamerain Orogeny. A rare contact between the Pre-Cambrian and the Cambrian and the presence of Archaeocyatha fossils in the limestones makes this a significant area.
This is a leisurely 3km walk down hill on a road that is closed to traffic.  The walk takes you through some lovely open wooded landscape that is remnants of this area before agricultural land clearing.
In the afternoon at Sellicks Beach, we will examine one of the many alluvial fans that have been deposited at the base of the Willunga Fault.  Being unconsolidated, creeks have deeply gouged their way through the sediments exposing the detritus that has been washed down from the hills above. 
If time permits, we will walk south along the beach to the outlet of Cactus Canyon where it meets the sea.
A sign up sheet for this excursion will be at the August meeting.  wpbriggs2@gmail.com