Welcome to the Field Geology Club of SA

Upcoming Events

- Membership Info, About Us and Programme -

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Join Us and Become A Member

Membership of the Club costs $40 a year (adult or family) or $35 a year (student or pensioner).

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Who We Are and What We Do

Our aim is to promote the understanding and enjoyment of geology through excursions, lectures and workshops. Click on the button to find out more.

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Check Out Our Current Programme

Please click the button to see a comprehensive view of our programme, including all lectures, workshops and excursions. Visitors welcome!

Field Geology Club Of South Australia - Find Us On Facebook

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- Upcoming Excursion and Lecture -

Rocks from Space – in the Tate Museum
Sunday 28th July, 10:00 am to 12 noon

The Tate Museum collection of meteorites and byproducts is one of the biggest in Australia and includes samples from hundreds of impacts and meteorites. We will have a tour of the Tate Museum, then a short talk giving general information about meteorites and meteorite craters. There will then be hands-on activities that will teach you how to identify types of meteorites from hand specimens and shock-related features in impacts using thin sections, and will illustrate samples of impact induced materials.

“Surface logging: adventures in the oil patch”
Thursday 1st August 2024     Time: 7:00 pm.

    Surface Logging, also known as Mud Logging, is the process of continuously monitoring the drilling mud that circulates through the borehole during drilling operations. Drilling rigs may operate in hostile environments in remote areas with climatic extremes, political uncertainty and exotic wildlife. As such, Mike Burrell will reflect on his adventures in the oil patch, where not everything always goes as planned.

10-Minute Topic: "The Serapium of Saqqara".