If you have forgotten your password or are unable to log in with your normal password
Instructions(Hint: You might find it useful to write down, copy, or take a screen shot of these instructions for reference)
You will need to repeat the recover password process as instructed above again. The workaround for this issue is instead of clicking on the link in the reset password email copy the link and paste it into a new tab in the browser you are using which will allow you to access the page where you will be prompted to paste your reset code.
First highlight your password reset code by clicking just before the first character, hold down the mouse button while dragging your mouse to the right, and then releasing after you have selected your password reset code.
Hold down the CTRL key then click C to copy
Hold down the CTRL key then click V to paste
Hold down the Command key (on older Macs, it's the Apple logo; on newer Macs, it's this curly-do: ⌘) then click: C to copy
Hold down the Command key then click: V to paste